First Lady of Chad

May 19, 2009 | Tags: , , | Category: First Ladies

Hinda Déby Itno, First Lady of Chad

Hinda Déby Itno, First Lady of Chad

Hinda Déby Itno, First Lady of Chad

Hinda Acyl Mahamat Abderrahim, wife Deby, Chad’s First Lady, was born April 2, 1980 in N’Djamena, and Mariam Mahamat Abderrahim Acyl.Son father to nine children from his two wives, six Mariam Abderahim Acyl.

Supervisor of Insurance in the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and diplomat in the Embassy of Chad in Washington, United States, his father studied at the renowned Johns Hopkins University in Washington and spent more than two years in Chadian government from July 1976 to September 1978 as Secretary of State for Public Health, Labour and Social Affairs. When civil war broke out in 1980 and her daughter Hinda was born, he was stationed at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP) and United Nations Fund for Agriculture and Food (FAO) until 1996 before embarking carriage.

His mother, Mariam Abderahim Acyl is used in the National Social Insurance Fund (CNPS).

Hinda Deby has studied finance and accounting at Applied Engineering Institute (AGI) in Rabat, Morocco in 2003 after obtaining his Bachelor Science Series D College Sacred Heart School of N’Djamena in 1999 and received his Higher Technician Diploma (BTS) in finance and banking at the Institute of Administration and Commercial Studies (IAES) of Lome in Togo in 2001.

Its formation is completed by several courses, including the Bank of Central African States (BEAC) from 2001. In November 2003, she joined as chief accountant at the Ministry of Health, the Project for strengthening health system and support the fight against HIV / AIDS and epidemic diseases (PRSSALVSME).
02 0ctober 2005, she married the President of the Republic, Head of State.