Categories: AllEurope Leaders

Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Milorad Dodik, Chairman of the Presidency

Milorad Dodik (pronounced [born 12 March 1959) is a Bosnian Serb politician, currently serving as the Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the collective federal head of state and is also its chairman.

President of the socialist Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD) since its creation in 1996, he has occupied a number of political positions in Republika Srpska, the Serb-majority entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dodik was the Prime Minister of Republika Srpska from 1998 until 2001 and from 2006 until 2010 and the President of Republika Srpska from 2010 to 2018.

Much like the SNSD, Dodik was initially considered as a moderate and reformist alternative to the ultra-nationalist Serb Democratic Party (SDS) in the 1990s and early 2000s.[1] Since then, however, Dodik and the SNSD have pursued an increasingly-nationalist and separatist line, invoking the right of the Bosnian Serbs to self-determination. His time in power has been characterised by authoritarianism, repudiation of federal Bosnian institutions, and closer connections to Serbia and Russia.

Milorad is married to Snježana Dodik, with whom he has two children. His nephew is Bosnian businessman and football administrator Vico Zeljković.

On 21 December 2020, Dodik was admitted to hospital due to bilateral pneumonia, but did not contract COVID-19. One day later though, on 22 December, it was confirmed that he tested positive for COVID-19, amid its pandemic in Bosnia and Herzegovina; by 28 December, Dodik recovered.


Slavo Kukic, Former Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina (since June 14, 2011)

Slavo Kukić (born 1954 near Posušje, Yugoslavia) is a Bosnian sociologist and politician.
He teaches as a professor at the Faculty of Economics at the Mostar University and has additional teaching tasks at the universities of Sarajevo and Split.
In June 2011, the independent ethnic Croat was nominated for the office of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Nermin Niksic, Former Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina (since Mar 17, 2011)

Nermin Niksic, Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nermin (Dževad) Niksic was born on 27 December 1960 in Konjic where he still lives. Completed Elementary school and grammar school in Konjic. He graduated in 1986 with a degree in Law.

Nermin Niksic has been a member of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) since 1993. From 1994-2004 he served as president of the Municipal Organization SDP Konjic. He was President of the Cantonal the SDP and the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNK). In January of 2007 he was elected Secretary General of the Party.

According to data from the Centers for Civic Initiatives (CCI), Niksic was one of the most active members.

Niksic is married to his wife Nadia with whom he has a daughter and son Haris Najra.

Aleksandar Dzombic, Former Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina (since Dec 29, 2010)

Aleksandar Dzombic, Former Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina (since Dec 29, 2010)

Born in 1968. in Banja Luka. Currently a graduate student at the Faculty of Management ECPD (European Center for Peace and Development), Belgrade. So far, he worked in the City Administration of Banja Luka, the Crystal Bank AD Banja Luka as an officer, the head office and project manager, and in Agroprom Banka AD Banja Luka as a director.

Before the election as Finance Minister, served as the Executive Director of the Nova Banka AD Bijeljina. Ethnicity is a Serb.

Married, one child.

MUSTAFA MUJEZINOVIĆ, Former Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina

He was born on December 27, 1954 in Sarajevo. He completed the elementary school in 1970 in Sarajevo, and in 1974 he completed the First General High School. He received his Bachelor degree in electric power systems (electro-energetics) from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Sarajevo University in 1978.

From 1978 until 1983 he was Constructor, and then Quality Engineer in the Factory of Transformer Stations and Switchgear Plants TTS “Energoinvest” Sarajevo.

From 1983 until 1990 he was Head of Technical Group in the Sales Department of the Factory TTS “Energoinvest” Sarajevo.

From 1990 to 1992 he was Sales Manager and Member of the Management Board of the Factory TTS “Energoinvest” Sarajevo.

From 1994 until 1995 he was President of the Municipality Stari Grad (Old Town) Sarajevo, and from 1995 until 1996 he was Mayor of the Municipality Stari Grad Sarajevo.

From 1996 until 1998 he was the first Prime Minister of the Canton Sarajevo, and from 1998 until 2000 he was Governor of the Canton Sarajevo.

From 2000 until 2001 he was Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

From 2002 until 2004 he held the office of the Director of the Privatization Fund “Prevent Invest”.

From 2004 until 2008 he was Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Malaysia.

From 2008 he was Advisor to the Management of the Development Bank of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

He speaks English.


Powers vested to the Prime Minister:

  • Enforcement of the policy and the Federal authority laws, including ensuring the execution of the decisions passed by the Courts of the Federation;
  • Making motion for removal of the President of the Federation from his/her office pursuant to the Article IV 8.3 (2) of the Constitution of the Federation BiH;
  • Making proposals and recommendations in the legislative area;
  • Preparing the Proposal of Budget for the Parliament of the Federation BiH.

Office of the Prime Minister:
Address: Alipašina 41, Sarajevo
Phone: +387 33 650 457
Fax: +387 33 664 816


Current Dictators

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  • upset about the last parliament election in Egypt. Really, I'm very I'm very very very upset with anyone who supported this parliament election. To give you an example, the head of the Christians and Muslims were in attendance at the first session of this fraudulent and corrupted parliament. I wonder what America has done to Egypt – America has done nothing but help the Egyptian people and has done no harm to the Egyptian people.

    January 9, 2011
    TO: The eyes, the heart and feelings of people, not only in Egypt, but the whole world: The MEDIA and PRESS.
    The media is supposed to deliver the TRUTH to the people but they didn't. You want to talk about “Wise”, let me give you the bottom line about “Wise.” God knows how old Egypt is – this beautiful country has a great and amazing history. Why is Egypt so far behind the rest of the world. Do you think the heads of Egypt are wise. Do you want to talk about “Wise,” let me explain it to you. Now I'm talking about my beloved Church built by the faithful St. Mark. Really, let me tell you the truth, I'm not saying it to any individual but I'm speaking before God. What some people from my church have done to me, it hurt the individuals, it hurt the Church, it hurt Egypt, and it also hurt the United States, the war in Iraq and the Economy. Not only that, the most important one, it caused the United States to lose the respect of other nations. So what were these people trying to do, they tried to hurt Megally but they hurt the United States. You know it, I know it and God knows it. I hold a little bit of power with the United States, given to me by God. Or maybe, the Shell Oil Company gave money to those individuals who were trying to hurt me, that I'm not aware of, but I leave it to you, the Media and Press to figure it out. I have already warned anyone who's acting on my behalf to stay away from my political issues. It appears these people who are trying to hurt me are trying to get me to leave the Church and my faith, but I will never leave the Church or lose my Faith!! And I hope for anyone, especially on the religious side, that you focus on your mission for the Church only. The United States has been importing corruption and it's coming from Egypt, from State, Federal and Local government officials (all levels of government). Even those that are translating from Arabic to English are dishonest. One more thing I wanted to mention is that I do love and respect Mobarack, but I don't understand why he has betrayed me. One of his delegates by the name of Rami met with me recently and told me that if I'm no longer WITH Mobarack, I can easily be found. Is that a threat, I fear no man or organization, as I'm a man of God and I'm an Ambassador for Peace appointed by God to carry out His will in my life and in all that I do. I’m not mentioning what I have done, but I urge you to visit my website: Read the newsletter and especially human rights violations by United States of America’s politicians or officials or even law enforcement. Also visit my profile on Facebook. May God Bless all of you, the United States of America, beautiful Egypt and the whole world.

    Megally Megally

    States President in 2012 because we
    I don’t intend to run for United already have a good man leading the country. What I like about the Obama administration, they know how to read between the lines. I don’t set up the Egyptian government for the last parliamentary elections, I have called the White House and Central Intelligence Agency and advised them not to be involved in the Egyptian Parliament elections, not to set up the Egyptian elections, but to let the Egyptian people know if America is not involved in such there will be no justice. And look what happened? There was fraud, corruption; I don’t know what else to say about that but everybody knows what happened with those elections. But right now after those corrupt elections and ten Americans were killed afterwards, on 12/26/10 and after that car bomb. I’m not saying someone is setting up the stage, but that’s what it looks like. Let’s keep America and the world safe! As we know, there is a lot of corruption, not only in the United States but all over the world. With every good one, not only the United States and International Community, we have to make a difference. We cannot wait, we have to make it happen for our grandsons and granddaughters. I have advice for Mr. Mobarack and a very important letter and that letter was, even I told them, there was a prescription for Egypt. He didn’t pay attention and there was within his administration, he’s 1) teaching the children of Egypt to hate America and the West; 2) accusing one of the best agents, not only in the United States but in the whole world, of planning 9/11. I know who told the Egyptian government that, I’m not saying this either, I know who told them. Just to give you an example, 8/15/09, one of United States officials in Washington, she was meeting with Mr. Mobarack on National t.v. without an American flag but with the Egyptian flag; 3) accusing one of the best United States headS of the State Department, that she was spying for the Israeli’s which she wasn’t. What do you want me to say, there’s too much to say so let’s get to the point and let me write this letter. This is only the cover sheet.

    TO: President of Israel, Shimon Peres:
    Dear Honorable President of Israel, Shimon Peres, I don’t know why I choose this time to write you this letter. I have written you before, if you visit my website at, there is a letter written for you on 12/26/09 and it’s listed under human rights violations. Another letter also, on 12/28/09 and it’s under my work. Anyway, let’s get to the point, what happened in Alexandria, and I really appreciate that you called Mr. Mobarack and gave your condolences regarding those who were killed in the car bomb. You know who will get upset if he was alive, General Moashmaashn Dan. He would be very upset. I remember him one time after the 67 war, he said “I can do anything in Egypt but I cannot touch Alexandria because this is my birth place!” Dear Sir, what happened in Egypt is not acceptable to anyone and I’m glad the Muslims and Christians are becoming united after what happened. Mr. Peres I never forgot your visit to the Egyptian Embassy on July 23, 2008 to celebrate the Independence of Egypt and I know why you were there. Of course we are good friends and I really appreciate it. Too many things we have in common, we are members the Ambassador for Peace and we are also good friends on Myspace and are good friends for the good work we are trying to do for the International Community. Such as, one of the letters I wrote you I offered to help release the Israeli Soldier who was held in captivity by Palestine. And also, I could achieve peace between Iran and Israel. I see a lot of action on those from Mr. Netanyahu and Mobarack, nothing has been accomplished. You know why? Because this is part of my agenda and no one can make it happen, only me. With God whom we respect and love, we can make it happen. I’m not working for anyone and I’m willing to offer you my services to help with this issue if you want it. But really, what I want to say Sir, today we need peace, we cannot afford anymore bloodshed for the Israeli’s or Egyptians, or the Muslims or any human being. I know in my heart it is one of your plans for the future, not for Israel but for the whole world. Let me tell you how much corruption we are seeing in the United States every day, the doctor I used to deal whom I don’t trust anymore, one of them damaged my vision, one damaged my teeth and the other one wanted to destroy my body, and this is because I am standing for the right things for humanity and of course I learned this from you. What happened in Egypt, repeating myself, if Moashmaashn Dan were alive today he would be very upset. You know what, I’m asking you as a friend, I’m looking for some medical assistance which I need immediately because I don’t trust any doctors in the United States. Let’s make the United States, Egypt and the world a better, safer and more peaceful place. May God bless you, our beloved country, the United States of America, and bless the whole world.
    Megally Z. Megally

    assistance, especially medical ones, you know I go, to a good friend. My dear good friend, Irina Bokova, not that I’m ignoring the medical professionals of the United States but honestly I’ve been mistreated by them. Behind the scenes, it’s run by Washington officials and Shell Oil Company. I don’t want to name names but I’m sure you know how to figure it out. U.S. Medical doctors already destroyed my vision, my teeth, and I immediately need assistance for hemorrhoids. Believe me I trust no doctors in the United States anymore.
    When you need

    TO: Irina Bokova:
    Dear Beautiful, Irina Bokova. Do not believe anyone that mentions anything about me, and there was no one assisting you to be elected Head of UNESCO. Actually, who was helping you is the one you love, our beloved Lord and your little friend, Megally. You don’t know what the Egyptian Minister that was running against you, has damaged me and the country in which I was born. Don’t worry about it. Thank God you are there. I am writing this letter requesting your assistance in helping me find medical evaluation and treatment outside of the United States for my hemorrhoid situation. I have sought medical treatment in the United States in the past, and as mentioned above, due to corruption in the US, especially politicians in Washington, the medical staff treating me damaged my vision, my teeth, and even my physical health. I am an Ambassador for Peace and a person on a mission to eradicate corruption in the United States and in the world, and as I’m sure you can imagine, this brings with it much grief and attention from those in office who are corrupt and which I stand against. It is my understanding and belief; these actions taken by previous U.S. medical staff against me were initiated by Shell Oil Company. Also, this type of corrupt behavior and actions are taking place in the Church I go to. Based on my previous experiences with medical staff in the United States I am seeking professional medical treatment for my current ailments outside of the United States. I greatly appreciate any form of assistance you can provide me concerning this matter. May God Bless you, your family, the United States of America and the entire world.
    Megally Z. Megally

    Megally is asking all viewers to read about Human Rights violations on his Profile of facebook...& visit!
    Contct by phon;[626]305-5555 or [626]482-5181 fax [626-256-6301
    Megally z.megally

  • Megally Z. Megally

    assistance, especially medical ones, you know I go, to a good friend. My dear good friend, Irina Bokova, not that I’m ignoring the medical professionals of the United States but honestly I’ve been mistreated by them. Behind the scenes, it’s run by Washington officials and Shell Oil Company. I don’t want to name names but I’m sure you know how to figure it out. U.S. Medical doctors already destroyed my vision, my teeth, and I immediately need assistance for hemorrhoids. Believe me I trust no doctors in the United States anymore.
    When you need

    TO: Irina Bokova:
    Dear Beautiful, Irina Bokova. Do not believe anyone that mentions anything about me, and there was no one assisting you to be elected Head of UNESCO. Actually, who was helping you is the one you love, our beloved Lord and your little friend, Megally. You don’t know what the Egyptian Minister that was running against you, has damaged me and the country in which I was born. Don’t worry about it. Thank God you are there. I am writing this letter requesting your assistance in helping me find medical evaluation and treatment outside of the United States for my hemorrhoid situation. I have sought medical treatment in the United States in the past, and as mentioned above, due to corruption in the US, especially politicians in Washington, the medical staff treating me damaged my vision, my teeth, and even my physical health. I am an Ambassador for Peace and a person on a mission to eradicate corruption in the United States and in the world, and as I’m sure you can imagine, this brings with it much grief and attention from those in office who are corrupt and which I stand against. It is my understanding and belief; these actions taken by previous U.S. medical staff against me were initiated by Shell Oil Company. Also, this type of corrupt behavior and actions are taking place in the Church I go to. Based on my previous experiences with medical staff in the United States I am seeking professional medical treatment for my current ailments outside of the United States. I greatly appreciate any form of assistance you can provide me concerning this matter. May God Bless you, your family, the United States of America and the entire world.
    Megally Z. Megally

    Megally is asking all viewers to read about Human Rights violations on his Profile of facebook...& visit!
    Contct by phon;[626]305-5555 or [626]482-5181 fax [626-256-6301
    Megally z.megally

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