First Lady of Senegal

Jun 7, 2009 | Tags: , , | Category: First Ladies

Viviane Wade, First Lady of Senegal

Viviane Wade, First Lady of Senegal

Viviane Wade, First Lady of Senegal

Born September 13, 1932 in Besançon – France
Married June 30, 1963

Very soon engaged in politics, already in high school then at university where she met the man who will be her Husband, Abdoulaye Wade, Mrs Viviane Wade has been able to consolidate its control options for Human Rights and Democracy.

She accompanied Mr. Wade, from the creation of his party 26 years ago in his recent election victory of March 19, 2000 that brought him to the head of state of Senegal. For her, politics is merely the vehicle for the promotion of democracy and human rights, a sine qua non of development.

Confident in the immense talent and creativity of the Senegalese, she had already in 1977 supported groups to promote women working in sewing and embroidery, leading to the manufacture of table linens, bedspreads and dressing quality in this sense, the reputation of BRODEUSES WOMEN OF MALIKA exceeded the borders of Senegal.

His taste for literature and the arts has helped to forge lasting relationships with many Senegalese artists, painters and sculptors in particular, and also foreigners, trying to secure for all, promoting their works. This passion has led in 1992 to launch the Foundation International for Promotion of Arts Africa (IFAP) it intends to revive. The Foundation was to help the School of Fine Arts, including the construction of workshops in sculpture, wood, iron, paint, screen printing and photography.

This passion led to his being co-opted President of the College of Consultants Artists of the Presidency of the Republic in 2000.

Add that it has created a Foundation for the Defense of Historical Heritage (2001).

Since 1999, Ms. Wade is President of the Association Education-Health Association, attacking head-on three areas: education, health, development of an integrated manner.

From the simple idea that there can be sustainable if the people concerned are involved, Education, Health wants to get them to organize them so you do not rely totally on the state.
Ms. Wade wants as Education, Health First is involved in border areas most isolated and believes that development, the emergence of a new type of citizen, conscious of its rights and duties, can preserve peace .

In a Master of Civil Law
On the Certificate of Morality and Sociology
On the Certificate of General Psychology